Why Choose Vitamax Doublshot Energy Honey For Her?
Maintain your attractiveness and delight your partner with a more feminine touch. Each Vitamax Doublshot Energy Honey contains nature’s greatest herbs, bee pollen, and royal honey jelly, which are believed to regulate female hormones and increase sexual energy. You’ll notice a more attractive skin tone and complexion free of blemishes and freckles after using 20 grams of luscious nectar. The increase in hormones gives fullness and form to your breasts while improving your feminine vigor.
This elixir will excite you and help you make the finest memories with your partner, whether you are feeling a lack of sexual interest or an inability to enjoy your intimate moments.
Product Benefits:
- Improves sexual pleasure
- Regulates menstrual cycle
- Enhances sexual activity in menopausal
- Tightens vaginal muscles
- Reduces vaginal discharge and protects against bacterial infection
What’s Included?
- 10 sachets – 20 grams Each